Please consider making a donation to
The Lazy Hat ™
I had a conversation with my cousin the other day who said that it looked like The Lazy Hat was doing great. Many people would have been happy to hear that but I was conflicted. It surprised me that it appeared that way to her, when my business and myself was going through so much, internally. So I decided to muster up the courage and tell you, my customers, the truth about The Lazy Hat's current state. Because I think it's important from time to time to lift the facade of being perfect and having a perfect business and showing our human side. So here we go...
It's been a rough few months for my husband and I, and that's putting it very lightly. Our business has suffered some major financial setbacks. Our sales these last few months weren't enough for us to spend money on marketing, so we had no choice but to drop our paid advertising. And that's when sh*t officially hit the fan. That change alone dropped our sales by more than 50 percent and threw The Lazy Hat into survival mode.
Couple that with the fact that my husband's mom became ill and we moved her into our 2 bedroom apartment with us and our 2 toddlers, and you can only imagine the level of chaos that was going on in our household and our spirits. These past few months have been the most challenging times in my family's life and have made us question all aspects of our life and our future, including the longevity of The Lazy Hat.
As you may know, my husband and I both work full time on this business. It is our only source of income. It is our dream and our lifeblood. And now it's in jeopardy. Have we pondered the idea of closing up shop and going back to a 9-5 life? I would be lying if I said that we never have thought about it. But there's a whisper in my ear that keeps telling me that my product is worth fighting for. I remind myself of the excitement I had when I came up with the idea of The Lazy Hat. I was so excited to have created a product that helped make Black women's lives a little easier. And still, every now and then I get a message from a customer that tells me how much my products mean to them. And your emails and reviews are honestly what is keeping us going during this difficult season.

Now for my ask. I'm calling on all supporters of The Lazy Hat to let me know if you would like us to continue. This is the time to show us what our product means to you. There are unlimited possibilities of the types of hats, hair textures, colors, etc. that we can create. Trust me, I have a running list of many many new products I want to make. But in order for it to continue, our business needs resources to survive and reboot.
So if you believe in what we have built in the last 3 years (8 out of 10 Black businesses fail in the first year), then you can help us tremendously by donating. No amount is too small and you'd be surprised at how much impact your donation will make on our small business. Donating to our business right now, not only helps us dedicate more resources to our business, but it also helps to give us the courage to pick ourselves up from our setbacks.
I'm sure by now we've all seen clips of the Montgomery Riverboat Brawl. So this is me throwing my cap (Lazy Hat) up in the air and calling on my troops!
With so much love and gratitude,
Click To Donate
P.S: If you're not able to donate right now, of course we understand. I'm sure many of you can share an equally challenging life experience that you may be going through right now. It's just the times we live in. If you can't donate, you can still drop us a message of encouragement. I would love to hear from you ( Us sisters have to support each other.